Learning Outcomes

(Grade 11 classroom activities)

              Learning could be done anywhere and everywhere. As long as we focus on it and try to learn intensively and the result will never disappoint us. Through learning also, there will be many aspects will be developed and it is also will open our eyes and mind wider that how big the world is and we need to discover many things. Try to be out of our comfort zone also will help us to find out the reality of this life, it will teach us to apply our knowledge in the society. -World is the laboratory, and we are the researcher- 
           After joined the program and conducted the teaching practicum. There are several outcomes that I got during practicum. They are: managing big class, quick in problem solving, and doing good socialization.
            Managing big and real class was something that I dreamed of, not about just delivering material and knowledge but more than that. I learnt how to be good role in managing classroom activity, started from the opening till the closing of activity. Classroom management is really important to master, teacher also should give examples based on their act in order to make the students learn, and able to imitate their students itself. I highly confident to say I’m ready to apply my knowledge that I got from this practicum to handle real class. Deciding good method also was learnt, because teaching without using appropriate method going to be useless, the learning materials will not be achieved fully.
            The practicum was increasing my problem solving skill, especially my problem solving teaching in the classroom. How can I manage students’ problem like their psychology and ability. It help me to be more mature to face problem, not only applicable in the classroom but also I can apply it in my real life, how I should be more patient and open mind to solve some problems.
            I have seen many cultures and people background of personalities, the more people that I faced the more socialization skills that I learnt. As explained being a good teacher is not only just giving information, but how teacher can build relationship between others and engage students personality and psychology better, hopefully students will not afraid to come to school but always miss their teacher.    

(Doing Cultural discussion)

(Having time with the other SEA-Teacher students)


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