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Learning and Instruction Summary about Instructions and Principles


            Instructions is system of process that system likes Learning Methods, Learning Materials, Learning Objectives, Media, Assessment, Student competent, etc. and process likes planning the learning program, preparing the Materials, Designing the Assessment, Preparing Media, Preparing assessment Rubric to promote the attainment of intended learning goals.
Term of Instruction is Learning experiences with aim to achieve certain skills.  Terms such as education, training, and teaching are often used interchangeably with instruction. However, in this text we will make some distinction among these terms.

Actually Education, Instruction, Training and Teaching have connection each other,
1.      Beside of Education and Instruction,
All Instructions is Education  because all instruction consists of experiences leading to learning. But not all education is instruction because many experiences that lead to learning are not specifically developed and implemented to ensure effective, efficient, and appealing experiences leading toward particular learning goals.

2.      Beside of instruction and training,
All type of training is instruction and not all instruction is training,
Training is very specific.
The focus of the training is:
- job life skills
- job competent
And it can do for their life
Instruction is General
The focus of instruction is intended certain goals.
Instruction also can we use or not in reality life.

3.      Beside of Teaching and Instruction
Instruction can get by all any sources such as Reading a book, surfing the internet or etc.
Teaching can get by a life person ( teacher ). Teaching doesn’t really have any focus but instruction must have focus.
There are 4 components in instruction:
            - Learners or the object to give instruction who suppose to get achieve learning goals, what the learners need that the teachers will able to designed.
            - Learning task or including desired learning outcomes, how a teachers can give task for the learners.
            - Learning environment or learning conditions and instructional method such as condition in class, attractive method, etc.
            - frame of reference or the context in which learning is to occur, or can use more than one learning source or media.

            Many current instructional models suggest that the most effective learning products or environments such as : (a) activation of prior experience, (b) demonstration of skills, (c) application of skills, and (d) integration of these skills into real-world activities.
Learning is promoted when learners are engaged in solving real-world problems  
            Learning is promoted when learners are shown the task that they will be able to do or the problem they will be able to solve as a result of completing a module or course. Learning is promoted when learners are engaged at the problem or task level, not just the operation or action level. Learning to complete a whole task involves four levels of instruction: (a) the problem, (b) the tasks required to solve the problem, (c) the operations that comprise the tasks, and (d) the actions that comprise the operations. Learning is promoted when learners solve a progression of problems that are explicitly compared to one another. Some of the problems or whole tasks that learners must complete are very complex. To master a complex problem students must first start with a less complex problem. When the first problem is mastered, students are then given a more complex problem.

Learning is promoted when existing knowledge is activated as a foundation for new knowledge.
            Learning is promoted when learners are directed to recall, relate, describe, or apply knowledge from relevant past experience that can be used as a foundation for the new knowledge. Learning is promoted when learners are provided relevant experience that can be used as a foundation for the new knowledge. If learners have a mental model that can be used to organize the new knowledge, they should be encouraged to activate this mental model.

Learning is promoted when new knowledge is demonstrated to the learner.
            Learning is promoted when the demonstration is consistent with the learning goal: (a) examples and nonexamples for concepts, (b) demonstrations for procedures, (c) visualizations for processes, and (d) modeling for behavior. Knowledge to be learned exists at two levels: (a) information and (b) portrayal. Information is general and inclusive and refers to many cases or situations. Portrayal is specific and limited and refers to a single case or a single situation. Instruction is far more effective when it also includes the portrayal level in that the information is demonstrated via specific situations or cases. Learning is promoted when learners are provided appropriate learner guidance including some of the following: (a) learners are directed to relevant information, (b) multiple representations are used for the demonstrations, or (c) multiple demonstrations are explicitly compared. problem solving (far transfer) is promoted when the structural features are carefully identified and explicitly mapped for the student. Learning is promoted when media play a relevant instructional role and multiple forms of media do not compete for the attention of the learner.

Learning is promoted when new knowledge is applied by the learner.
            Learning is promoted when the application (practice) and the posttest are consistent with the stated or implied objectives: (a) information-about practice—recall or recognize information, (b) parts-of practice—locate, and name or describe each part, (c) kinds-of practice— identify new examples of each kind, (d) howto practice—do the procedure and (e) what-happens practice—predict a consequence of a process given conditions, or find faulted conditions given an unexpected consequence. Learning is promoted when the practice is consistent with the learning goal. Learning is promoted when learners are required to solve a sequence of varied problems.

Learning is promoted when new knowledge is integrated into the learner’s world.
            Learning is promoted when learners are given an opportunity to publicly demonstrate their new knowledge or skill. Learning is promoted when learners can reflect on, discuss, and defend their new knowledge or skill. Learners need the opportunity to reflect on, defend, and share what they have learned if it is to become part of their available repertoire. Learning is promoted when learners can create, invent, and explore new and personal ways to use their new knowledge or skill.

1.       What is instruction?
2.      In your opinion, how do you differentiate instruction from learning?
3.      Explain briefly the difference between instruction, teaching, and training!
4.       As a teacher, what should you consider before developing leaning instruction in your class? Give explanation!
5.       How does knowledge that is integrated into learners‘ world promote their learning? Explain your opinion!
1.  Instructions is system of process that system consider Learning Methods, Learning Materials, Learning Objectives, Media, Assessment, Student competent, etc. and process consider planning the learning program, preparing the Materials, Designing the Assessment, Preparing Media, Preparing assessment Rubric to promote the attainment of intended learning goals.

2. In my opinion the differentiate of instruction and learning is that instruction is system of process Rubric to promote the attainment of intended learning goals. Its mean how to preparing all the learning subject and media but Learning is getting information by conscious that changing somebody behavior from don’t know become know.

3.      3. Difference between Instruction, teaching and training are,

Beside of instruction and training,
All type of training is instruction and not all instruction is training,
Training is very specific.
The focus of the training is:
- job life skills
- job competent
And it can do for their life
Instruction is General
The focus of instruction is intended certain goals.
Instruction also can we use or not in reality life.

Beside of Teaching and Instruction
Instruction can get by all any sources such as Reading a book, surfing the internet or etc.
Teaching can get by a life person ( teacher ). Teaching doesn’t really have any focus but instruction must have focus.

4.      4. What should I consider before developing learning instruction in class are preparing for the materials and must can find out the good or attractive method for teaching or give learning in class, and also preparing the media for helping for the process of learning and make the situation or the environment become comfortable. Preparing the assessment or the task for the learners as they ability.

5.    5.  In my opinion the integrated of knowledge does promote their learning yes because integrated of knowledge is all kind of  good and able knowledge that will improve and promote their learning become more understand about the new materials and can solve all of that problem and then integrated knowledge also can give new goals of learners thinking because it also can make the mind work for think the materials. But the point is that integrated of knowledge can improve well to promote their learning.
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