The Moderator Script
(The illustration of thesis exams)
1. Language expression that is used by a Moderator in seminar are:
a. Introduction
“Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today’s seminar. Let me introduce myself first, my name is BeyoncĂ© Knowles and I will be the moderator in this seminar.
b. Reminding the topic
“Well ladies and gentlemen, I would like to remind you all that the topic of our seminar today are “The Analysis of Blended Learning usedin English Language Education of Ganesha University b: A Descriptive Researchb Study” and “ An Analysis of Technology Enhanced Language learning In English Teaching and Learning Process at SMA N BALI MANDARA.
c. Informing the mechanism of the seminar
“So, before we move to the presentation it is better for us to know the mechanism of our seminar. Before that, let us greet and introduce the supervisors of today’s seminar, they are; Mr. Made Agus Mandala Putra,M.A., M. Phill., P.hD. and Ms. Luh Putu Swasti Ayuningtyas S.Pd., M.Pd. (Say Good Afternoon to the supervisors). I also would like to greet and thanks to the audiences who are coming to this seminar today. As you already know that today we have 1 presenter. The presenter is Napoleon Bonaparte III with his proposal entitiled “ The Analysis of Blended Learning Used in English Language Education of Ganesha University: A Descriptive Research Study”. This seminar will be divided into two sessions, the first one is presentation and the second one is discussion session. The presentation will be held for about 30 minutes for the presenters and the discussion session will be held in 15 minutes.
Well, without any further due, please welcome Napoleon Bonaparte III, the floor is yours.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we already heard presentation from our speakers. Thank you Napoleon Bonaparte III for your great presentation.
“Ladies and gentlemen now we arrived at disscussion section, we already heard such an excellent presentation from the speaker. So we will invite you to ask a question to the presenters”
“We will have 1 session and will accept 3 questions only.”
Well, for the supervisors MR. Mandala and MS. Ayuning
d. Concluding and Closing
“Ladies and gentlemen, once again I would like to say a very great gratitude to our supervisors and audiences who have attended this seminar, and also for thespeaker who already presented such very useful information for us, and for the audience thank you for the really active participation. I do apologize if I did some mistake during lead you in this seminar, and I will give the time back to the MC. Thank you.
Anyway busway, jadi itu tadi script untuk Moderator dalam membawa kegiatan untuk ujian skripsi. Please Note, style dalam moderator ada banyak bisa dikawinkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan sendiri jadi stay calm dan wisuda tepat waktu ya biar jodoh gak diambil orang. Salam hangat dan inget cuci tangan sebelum dan sesudah beraktivitas. Mari kita stop penyebaran Virus Korona Novel Coronavirus ^_^